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Ramzey Nassar Sold Soil & Clay in 2022 eCommerce
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Derek Homann Sold Median in 2021 SaaS
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Chris Achard Sold MeetingPlace in 2022 SaaS
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David Mellstrom Sold BuddyTexts in 2023 SaaS
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Andrew Amann Sold White Label Festival App in 2022 SaaS
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“An amazing buyer network” Sold Soil & Clay in 2022
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“Ended up with 40 people who reached out” Sold Median in 2021
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“Onboarding is really great” Sold MeetingPlace in 2022
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“Literally it worked like magic” Sold BuddyTexts in 2023
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“We didn't have to pay 15% of the sale price” Sold White Label Festival App in 2022

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My favorite site to find tools and software companies on is It's like the best. I like the combination of quality and also responsiveness from founders and like you've done a really good job curating.

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Tara Reed CEO of Apps Without Code
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At Ramp Ventures we acquire 1-2 SaaS companies a year which usually requires looking at hundreds of deals. With identifying high potential SaaS companies has never been easier. I also love the transparency and how easy it is to connect with sellers.

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Sujan Patel Managing Director of Ramp Ventures
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I've used a few other sites in the past to buy startups and was by far the best experience I've had. From initial reach out, to deal terms, I was able to acquire a startup in my target range within a day. I highly recommend to anyone interested in purchasing SaaS companies.

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Gareth Cuddy Entrepreneur and Fractional CRO
quotemark quotemark top-cion allows me to easily meet and connect  with startup founders looking to sell their business. Through, I was able to acquire a company that fit perfectly within the Awesome Motive portfolio. I highly recommend to anyone looking to buy or sell a SaaS business.

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Syed Balkhi Founder & CEO of Awesome Motive
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Circle Square Capital is a private equity fund focused on creating value and growth in lower middle market buyouts. helps us meet quality startups without any of the headaches.

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Alan Ezeir Founder of Circle Square Capital
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“Favorite site to find tools and software companies” CEO of Apps Without Code
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“Love the transparency” Managing Director of Ramp Ventures
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“By far the best experience I've had.” Entrepreneur and Fractional CRO
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“Easily meet and connect  with startup founders” Founder & CEO of Awesome Motive
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“Meet quality startups without any of the headaches” Founder of Circle Square Capital

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