The largest marketplace to buy and sell bootstrapped SaaS startups

Join 500k+ entrepreneurs closing life-changing deals. Buy and sell SaaS, ecommerce, agencies, and content businesses with acquisition support.

We make online business acquisitions fast, safe, and easy

Fast, safe, and easy

  • Maximize your exit with expert help from our team.


    Maximize your exit with expert help from our team.

  • Find your ideal startup and make an offer in minutes.


    Find your ideal startup and make an offer in minutes.

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Browse 1,000s of vetted online businesses for sale or enter your criteria to find matches. Project returns with live metrics, and make offers in minutes

Evaluate web, customer, and financial metrics

Build and send LOIs and APAs in minutes

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Sell quickly, easily, and for the highest price

Sell quickly, easily, and for the highest price

Sell your online business by getting in front of 500k+ buyers. Get expert help to market and close. Start conversations that lead to acquisition in as little as 90 days.

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What do founders and buyers say about

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It's never an easy decision when a founder decides to sell their business. But when the time comes, Acquire is the ideal platform for profitable bootstrapped businesses. Gone are the days of working with expensive M&A firms. Acquire is easy, transparent, and supportive.

I worked with Ebony from Acquire. She was a great resource and helped us navigate the ups and downs of selling a business. Ultimately we received 7 offers before accepting a great cash deal.

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Michael Sanders Sold Done Done SaaS
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My favorite site to find tools and software companies is It's the best. I like the combination of quality and responsiveness from founders. You've done a really good job curating listings.

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Tara Reed CEO of Apps Without Code
quotemark quotemark was a great experience. Ky Pratt was truly amazing to work with. They aren't just selling a service, they are good people and care about your outcome. I would highly recommend them because they have a simple toolset and process to follow that makes each step easily executable. They invested hours of time and countless resources to help us, and we had a great experience that I don't think we would have had anywhere else. If you are accepted on their platform, I would absolutely follow their process and take advantage of all the help they provide.

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William Hamilton Sold SaaS
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I have had a great experience both as a seller and a buyer on

People were responsive, the Acquire team was really helpful when it came to selling one of our startups, providing advice on pricing, structure, process, etc...

Overall very happy with Acquire.

testimonial author
Pascal Levy-Garboua Noosa Labs
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Acquire was instrumental in selling my SaaS business. I went out on my own at first to try to get offers without a broker, and I received 1 LOI. When I posted the business on Acquire, I got 6 LOIs, and I accepted an offer over asking. Selling a business is not easy, but if you are running a profitable, small SaaS business, there is no better place to sell it than Acquire. I had never sold a business before, and Emiley, one of their advisors, met with me at least 5 or 6 times through the process to advise me and support me to sell the business. They do a great job of getting the right eyeballs on your listing, crafting a process to build FOMO and drive up offers/offer price, and help you land the ship with a successful sale.

testimonial author
Harris Osserman Sold TalkHiring SaaS
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“...the ideal platform for profitable businesses...” Sold Done Done
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“Favorite site to find tools and software companies” CEO of Apps Without Code
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“They aren't just selling a service, they are good people and care about your outcome.” Sold
testimonial author
“...really helpful in providing advice on pricing, structure, process, etc...” Pascal Levy-Garboua of Noosa Labs
testimonial author
“Acquire was instrumental in selling my SaaS business.” Sold TalkHiring

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